require 'spec_helper' describe Dyndnsd::Daemon do include Rack::Test::Methods def app Dyndnsd.logger = Dyndnsd.logger.level = Logger::UNKNOWN config = { 'domain' => '', 'users' => { 'test' => { 'password' => 'secret', 'hosts' => ['', ''] } } } db ={}) updater = responder = app =, db, updater, responder), "DynDNS") do |user,pass| (config['users'].has_key? user) and (config['users'][user]['password'] == pass) end end it 'requires authentication' do get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eq(401) pending 'Need to find a way to add custom body on 401 responses' expect(last_response).not_to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('badauth') end it 'only supports GET requests' do authorize 'test', 'secret' post '/nic/update' expect(last_response.status).to eq(405) end it 'provides only the /nic/update URL' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/other/url' expect(last_response.status).to eq(404) end it 'requires the hostname query parameter' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') end it 'supports multiple hostnames in request' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq("good\ngood") get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq("good 2001:db8::1\ngood 2001:db8::1") end it 'rejects request if one hostname is invalid' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?hostname=test' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('notfqdn') end it 'rejects request if user does not own one hostname' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nohost') get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nohost') end it 'updates a host on IP change' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good 2001:db8::10') end it 'returns IP no change' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nochg') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nochg 2001:db8::1') end it 'outputs IP status per hostname' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good') get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq("nochg\ngood") get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good 2001:db8::1') get '/nic/update?,' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq("nochg 2001:db8::1\ngood 2001:db8::1") end it 'uses clients remote IP address if myip not specified' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good') end it 'uses clients remote IP address from X-Real-IP header if behind proxy' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?', '', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' => '' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good') get '/nic/update?', '', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' => '2001:db8::1' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good 2001:db8::1') end it 'supports an IPv4 and an IPv6 address in one request' do authorize 'test', 'secret' get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq("good 2001:db8::1") get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nohost') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nohost') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('nohost') get '/nic/update?' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('good') end end