# JOE syntax highlight file for Elixir # Written by Andrey Lisin (at gmail.com) # TODO # - test attributes and docstrings highlighting # - maybe highlight arithmetical operations # - comprehensions highlighting # Changes # - fix atom with underscore highlighting # - distinct docstrings and module attributes =Idle =Comment green =Keyword bold =Bif #fg_501 =String cyan =Extrapolation cyan bold =Atom red =Attribute #fg_505 =ModAttr yellow #fg_141 =Brace magenta #fg_440 =Brack magenta #fg_311 =Int cyan =Def =ModDef blue bold =Underscore blue #fg_310 #brown :idle Idle * idle "#" line_comment noeat "a-zA-Z" ident noeat "_" underscore recolor=-1 "'" single_quoted recolor=-1 "\"" double_quoted recolor=-1 ":" atom recolor=-1 "@" modattr recolor=-1 "[]" brack recolor=-1 "{}" brace recolor=-1 "|" maybe_pipe "\\" maybe_opt "0-9" decimal recolor=-1 :line_comment Comment * line_comment "\n" idle :single_quoted String * single_quoted "'" idle :double_quoted String * double_quoted "#" maybe_extrapolation "\"" idle :maybe_extrapolation String * double_quoted noeat "{" extrapolation recolor=-2 :extrapolation Extrapolation * extrapolation "}" double_quoted "\"" double_quoted noeat :atom Atom * idle noeat "a-zA-Z0-9_" atom :modattr ModAttr * idle "a-zA-Z0-9_" modattr " " maybe_edoc :maybe_edoc Idle * idle " " maybe_edoc "\"" string_dq_1 recolor=-1 :string_dq_1 String * double_quoted recolor=-1 "\"" string_dq_2 :string_dq_2 Comment * idle "\"" docstr_dq recolor=-3 :docstr_dq Comment * docstr_dq "\"" docstr_dq_1 :docstr_dq_1 Comment * docstr_dq "\"" docstr_dq_2 :docstr_dq_2 Comment * docstr_dq "\"" idle :brace Brace * idle noeat :brack Brack * idle noeat :maybe_pipe Idle * idle ">" pipe recolor=-2 :pipe Keyword * idle noeat :maybe_opt Idle * idle "\\" opt recolor=-2 :opt Keyword * idle noeat :decimal Int * idle noeat "0-9_" decimal "." float :float Int * idle noeat "0-9" float :underscore Underscore * idle noeat "a-zA-Z0-9?_" underscore :ident Idle * ident1 noeat buffer mark :ident1 Idle * idle noeat strings "def" start_def "defp" start_def "defmodule" start_mod_def "defprotocol" start_def "defmacro" start_def "defmacrop" start_def "defdelegate" start_def "defexception" start_def "defstruct" start_def "defimpl" start_def "defcallback" start_def "import" start_mod_def "require" start_mod_def "test" start_def "use" start_mod_def "alias" start_mod_def "end" kw "do" kw "if" kw "else" kw "unless" kw "case" kw "cond" kw "true" kw "false" kw "Agent" bif "Application" bif "Atom" bif "Base" bif "Behaviour" bif "Bitwise" bif "Builtin" bif "Code" bif "Dict" bif "EEx" bif "Elixir" bif "Enum" bif "ExUnit" bif "Exception" bif "File" bif "File.Stat" bif "File.Stream" bif "Float" bif "Function" bif "GenEvent" bif "GenServer" bif "GenTCP" bif "HashDict" bif "HashSet" bif "IO" bif "IO.ANSI" bif "IO.Stream" bif "Inspect.Algebra" bif "Inspect.Opts" bif "Integer" bif "Kernel" bif "Kernel.ParallelCompiler" bif "Kernel.ParallelRequire" bif "Kernel.SpecialForms" bif "Kernel.Typespec" bif "Keyword" bif "List" bif "Macro" bif "Macro.Env" bif "Map" bif "Math" bif "Module" bif "Node" bif "OptionParser" bif "OrdDict" bif "Path" bif "Port" bif "Process" bif "Protocol" bif "Range" bif "Record" bif "Regex" bif "Set" bif "Stream" bif "String" bif "StringIO" bif "Supervisor" bif "Supervisor.Spec" bif "System" bif "Task" bif "Task.Supervisor" bif "Tuple" bif "URI" bif "UnboundMethod" bif "Version" bif done "a-zA-Z_0-9" ident1 ":" attr noeat recolormark :attr Attribute * idle :kw Keyword * idle noeat :bif Bif * idle noeat :start_def Keyword * def :def Def * def " (" idle recolor=-1 :start_mod_def Keyword * moddef :moddef ModDef * moddef " " idle recolor=-1 "\n" idle