# JSON highlighter per json.org # Written by Rebecca Turner (@ReBecaOrg) # Define colors =Idle =Comma =PairSep =Bracket magenta =Brace magenta =Number cyan =String cyan =StringEscape cyan bold =Boolean cyan =Null cyan =Bad red bold inverse # Syntax errors detected by the highlighter =ERROR bold yellow bg_red # Errors in the highlighter itself :json Idle * end noeat call=.value() " \t\n" json :end Idle * endBAD noeat " \t\n" end :endBAD Bad * end .subr value :value Idle * valueBAD noeat "\"" end noeat call=.string() "-0-9" end noeat call=.number() "tfn" end noeat call=.bareword() "{" end noeat call=.object() "[" end noeat call=.array() :valueBAD Bad * value :end Idle * NULL noeat return .end .subr object :object Brace * objectBAD noeat "{" maybeempty :objectBAD ERROR * end :maybeempty Brace * key noeat " \t\n" maybeempty "}" end recolor=-1 :key Idle * keyBAD noeat "\"" pairsep noeat call=.string() " \t\n" key :keyBAD Bad * key :pairsep PairSep * pairsepBAD noeat ":" value " \t\n" pairsep :pairsepBAD Bad * pairsep :value Idle * nextpair noeat call=.value() " \t\n" value :nextpair Comma * nextpairBAD noeat "}" end recolor=-1 "," key " \t\n" nextpair :nextpairBAD Bad * nextpair :end Brace * NULL noeat return .end .subr array :array Bracket * arrayBAD noeat "[" maybeempty :arrayBAD ERROR * end :maybeempty Bracket * value noeat " \t\n" maybeempty "]" end recolor=-1 :value Idle * nextvalue noeat call=.value() " \t\n" value :nextvalue Comma * nextvalueBAD noeat "]" end recolor=-1 "," value " \t\n" nextvalue :nextvalueBAD Bad * nextvalue :end Bracket * NULL noeat return .end .subr string :string String * stringBAD noeat "\"" body :stringBAD ERROR * end :body String * body "\"" end "\\" escape recolor=-1 :escape StringEscape * escapeBAD recolor=-2 noeat "\"/bfnrt\\" body "u" unicode1 :escapeBAD Bad * body :unicode1 StringEscape * unicodeBAD recolor=-3 noeat "0-9a-fA-F" unicode2 :unicode2 StringEscape * unicodeBAD recolor=-4 noeat "0-9a-fA-F" unicode3 :unicode3 StringEscape * unicodeBAD recolor=-5 noeat "0-9a-fA-F" unicode4 :unicode4 StringEscape * unicodeBAD recolor=-6 noeat "0-9a-fA-F" body :unicodeBAD Bad * body :end Idle * NULL noeat return .end .subr bareword :bareword Idle * body noeat mark buffer :body Bad * end noeat markend strings "true" boolean "false" boolean "null" null done "truefalsn" body :boolean Boolean * end noeat :null Null * end noeat :end Idle * NULL noeat return .end .subr number :number Number * numberBAD "0-9" numberA noeat "-" numberA :numberBAD ERROR * end :numberA Number "0" decimalpoint "1-9" integer :integer Number * end noeat "0-9" integer "." decimalpoint "eE" exponentpart :decimalpoint Number * end noeat "0-9" decimalpointBAD "eE" exponentpart "." decimalpart :decimalpointBAD Bad * end :decimalpart Number * decimalpartBAD "0-9" decimalpartA :decimalpartBAD Bad * end :decimalpartA Number * end noeat "0-9" decimalpartA "eE" exponentpart :exponentpart Number * exponentpartBAD "-+" exponentpartA "0-9" exponentpartB :exponentpartBAD Bad * end :exponentpartA Number * exponentpartBAD "0-9" exponentpartB :exponentpartB Number * end noeat "0-9" exponentpartB :end Idle * NULL noeat return .end