# PowerShell syntax highlighting for Joe's Own Editor # Oskar Liljeblad <oskar@osk.mine.nu>, 2014-02-11 # # PowerShell is the poor man's[1] replacement for a real shell such as Bash. # [1] Someone who has to use Windows for whatever reason. # # Reference: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36389 # Status: # 1 100% # 2.1 100% # 2.2.1 100% except signature support # 2.2.2 100% # 2.2.3 100% except requires support # 2.2.4 100% # 2.3.1 100% # 2.3.2 100% except automatic variables # 2.3.3 100% no coloring # 2.3.4 100% no coloring # 2.3.5 100% no coloring # 2.3.6 100% =Idle =Comment green =Constant cyan =ConstEscape bold cyan =Keyword bold =Var magenta =VarEscape bold magenta :idle Idle * idle "#" comment recolor=-1 "$" var recolor=-1 "@" var_array recolor=-1 "<" idle1 "\"" string_dq recolor=-1 "'" string_sq recolor=-1 "@" idle2 "a-zA-Z_-" ident buffer :idle1 Idle * idle noeat "#" delim_comment recolor=-2 :idle2 Idle * idle noeat "\"" herestr_dq recolor=-2 "'" herestr_sq recolor=-2 :comment Comment * comment "\r\n" idle :var_array Var * idle noeat "$?^" idle "a-zA-Z_" var_name :var Var * idle noeat "{" var_brack "$?^" idle "a-zA-Z_" var_name :var_name Var * idle noeat recolor=-1 "a-zA-Z0-9_:?" var_name :var_brack Var * var_brack "`" var_escape recolor=-1 "}" idle :var_escape VarEscape * var_brack :delim_comment Comment * delim_comment "#" delim_comment1 :delim_comment1 Comment * delim_comment noeat ">" idle :kw Keyword * idle noeat :string_dq Constant * string_dq "\"\n" idle "$" string_dq_subst recolor=-1 "`" string_dq_esc recolor=-1 :string_dq_subst Var * string_dq noeat recolor=-2 "a-zA-Z_" string_dq_subst_name "{" string_dq_subst_brack "(" string_dq_subst_parens "`" string_dq_subst_escape recolor=-1 :string_dq_subst_name Var * string_dq recolor=-1 noeat "a-zA-Z0-9_:" string_dq_subst_name "`" string_dq_subst_escape recolor=-1 :string_dq_subst_escape VarEscape * string_dq_subst_name :string_dq_subst_brack Var * string_dq_subst_brack "}" string_dq :string_dq_subst_parens Var * string_dq_sustr_parens ")" string_dq :string_sq Constant * string_sq "\'\n" idle :string_dq_esc ConstEscape * string_dq :string_sq_esc ConstEscape * string_sq :herestr_dq Constant * herestr_dq "\"" herestr_dq1 "$" herestr_dq_subst recolor=-1 :herestr_dq1 Constant * herestr_dq noeat "@" idle :herestr_dq_subst Var * herestr_dq noeat recolor=-2 "a-zA-Z_" herestr_dq_subst_name "(" herestr_dq_subst_parens "`" herestr_dq_subst_escape recolor=-1 :herestr_dq_subst_name Var * herestr_dq recolor=-1 noeat "a-zA-Z0-9_:" herestr_dq_subst_name "`" herestr_dq_subst_escape recolor=-1 :herestr_dq_subst_escape VarEscape * herestr_dq_subst_name :herestr_dq_subst_parens Var * herestr_dq_subst_parens ")" herestr_dq :herestr_sq Constant * herestr_sq "\'" herestr_sq1 :herestr_sq1 Constant * herestr_sq noeat "@" idle :ident Idle * idle noeat istrings "-and" kw "-band" kw "-bnot" kw "-bor" kw "-bxor" kw "-not" kw "-or" kw "-xor" kw "-f" kw "-as" kw "-ccontains" kw "-ceq" kw "-cge" kw "-cgt" kw "-cle" kw "-clike" kw "-clt" kw "-cmatch" kw "-cne" kw "-cnotcontains" kw "-cnotlike" kw "-cnotmatch" kw "-contains" kw "-creplace" kw "-csplit" kw "-eq" kw "-ge" kw "-gt" kw "-icontains" kw "-ieq" kw "-ige" kw "-igt" kw "-ile" kw "-ilike" kw "-ilt" kw "-imatch" kw "-in" kw "-ine" kw "-inotcontains" kw "-inotlike" kw "-inotmatch" kw "-ireplace" kw "-is" kw "-isnot" kw "-isplit" kw "-join" kw "-le" kw "-like" kw "-lt" kw "-match" kw "-ne" kw "-notcontains" kw "-notin" kw "-notlike" kw "-notmatch" kw "-replace" kw "-shl" kw "-shr" kw "-split" kw "begin" kw "break" kw "catch" kw "class" kw "continue" kw "data" kw "define" kw "do" kw "dynamicparam" kw "else" kw "elseif" kw "end" kw "exit" kw "filter" kw "finally" kw "for" kw "foreach" kw "from" kw "function" kw "if" kw "in" kw "inlinescript" kw "parallel" kw "param" kw "process" kw "return" kw "switch" kw "throw" kw "trap" kw "try" kw "until" kw "using" kw "var" kw "while" kw "workflow" kw done "a-zA-Z_" ident