JOE Syntax Highlighting

This directory mainly contains *improved and completely new* JOE syntax files
fixing bugs in the original files and adding support for new languages.


### *.jsf

To enable the .jsf files in this repository they need to appear in JOEs
*syntax* directory.  This is likely to be */usr/share/joe/syntax* when using
Debian and APT or */usr/local/Cellar/joe/3.7/share/joe/syntax* when using brew
on Mac OS X.  You may download the
[latest jsf-bundle](
and place it's contents into the *syntax* directory (Note: this bundle might
be outdated compared to the repository's state).

A maybe better way to achieve this is to clone this repository somewhere
onto your hard disk and establish symlinks to all jsf files in the *syntax*

### ftyperc (only needed to enable new languages)

To enable the enhanced *ftyperc* from this repository to gain syntax
highlighting support for new languages without overwriting
*/etc/joe/ftyperc*, you may place the modified one in *~/.joe/* as

How JOE syntax highlighting works

See [](
which is a reworked version of the header of
Another good resource might be

Other Syntax Files

* [d.jsf](


For JOE see [here](  
For JOE project see [here](  
For original JOE syntax files see [here](  

*You can find this repository [here](*