#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import re import sys from typing import (IO, List, Tuple) import requests import yaml K8sResourceIdentifier = Tuple[str, str, str, str] HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} BLACKLIST_REGEXS = [ # Kubernetes inherent blacklist (should apply to every k8s cluster out there) r'^.*:apps/v1:ControllerRevision:.*$', r'^.*:apps/v1:ReplicaSet:.*$', r'^.*:batch/v1:Job:.*-\d{10,}$', # jobs created by cron jobs with unix timestamp suffix r'^.*:events.k8s.io/v1:Event:.*$', r'^.*:metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1:PodMetrics:.*$', r'^.*:v1:Endpoints:.*$', r'^.*:.*:EndpointSlice:.*$', r'^.*:v1:Event:.*$', r'^.*:v1:Pod:.*$', r'^.*:v1:Secret:.*-token-\S{5}$', # secrets with token for service accounts r'^.*:v1:ServiceAccount:default$', r'^default:v1:Service:kubernetes$', r'^kube-node-lease:.*$', r'^kube-public:.*$', r'^kube-system:.*$', # GKE specific parts (should apply to every GKE-managed k8s cluster) # '^.*:v1:ResourceQuota:gke-resource-quotas$', # '^default:v1:LimitRange:limits$, ] def get_live_namespaced_resources(url: str) -> List[K8sResourceIdentifier]: """ Returns list of Kubernetes resource identifiers of namespaced resources out of the live cluster reachable at url. """ result = [] # merges https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/#api-groups # legacy API group apiVersions = requests.get(url + '/api', headers=HEADERS).json()['versions'] for apiVersion in apiVersions: apiResources = requests.get(url + '/api/' + apiVersion, headers=HEADERS).json()['resources'] for apiResource in apiResources: if not ('list' in apiResource['verbs'] and apiResource['namespaced']): continue items = requests.get(url + '/api/' + apiVersion + '/' + apiResource['name'], headers=HEADERS).json()['items'] for item in items: result.append( (item['metadata']['namespace'], apiVersion, apiResource['kind'], item['metadata']['name'])) # named API groups apiGroups = requests.get(url + '/apis', headers=HEADERS).json()['groups'] for apiGroup in apiGroups: apiResources = requests.get(url + '/apis/' + apiGroup['preferredVersion']['groupVersion'], headers=HEADERS).json()['resources'] for apiResource in apiResources: if not ('list' in apiResource['verbs'] and apiResource['namespaced']): continue if apiGroup['preferredVersion']['groupVersion'] == 'extensions/v1beta1' and apiResource['kind'] != 'Ingress': # everything else in extensions/v1beta1 should be migrated to the preferred version # except ingresses, see https://kubernetes.io/blog/2019/07/18/api-deprecations-in-1-16/ continue items = requests.get(url + '/apis/' + apiGroup['preferredVersion']['groupVersion'] + '/' + apiResource['name'], headers=HEADERS).json()['items'] for item in items: result.append((item['metadata']['namespace'], apiGroup['preferredVersion']['groupVersion'], apiResource['kind'], item['metadata']['name'])) return result def get_target_namespaced_resources(stream: IO) -> List[K8sResourceIdentifier]: """ Returns list of Kubernetes resource identifiers of namespaced resources out of the target stream. """ result = [] target_documents = list(yaml.load_all(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)) for document in target_documents: if not document: continue if not 'namespace' in document['metadata']: continue result.append( (document['metadata']['namespace'], document['apiVersion'], document['kind'], document['metadata']['name'])) return result def get_compact_resource_identifiers(tuples: List[K8sResourceIdentifier]) -> List[str]: """ Returns a compact, sortable string for a Kubernetes resource identifier. """ return [namespace + ':' + apiVersion + ':' + kind + ':' + name for namespace, apiVersion, kind, name in tuples] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Utility to detect k8s configuration drift.') parser.add_argument('-f', dest='target_manifests_file', required=True, help='File path (or - for stdin) to read Kubernetes manifests from for target state.') parser.add_argument('--url', dest='k8s_apiserver_url', default='http://localhost:8001', help='URL of Kubernetes apiserver to retrieve live state.') parser.add_argument('--blacklist', dest='blacklist_file', help='File path to read blacklist regex entries from that will be used to filter live state.') args = parser.parse_args() blacklist_regexs: List[str] = [] blacklist_regexs += BLACKLIST_REGEXS if args.blacklist_file: print(f'Reading blacklist file {args.blacklist_file}...') with open(args.blacklist_file, 'r') as f: blacklist_regexs += list(filter(lambda x: not re.match(r'^\s*$', x), f.read().split('\n'))) print('Retrieving target state...') if args.target_manifests_file == '-': target_tuples = get_target_namespaced_resources(sys.stdin) else: with open(args.target_manifests_file, 'r') as f: target_tuples = get_target_namespaced_resources(f) print(f'Retrieving live state from {args.k8s_apiserver_url}...') raw_live_strings = get_compact_resource_identifiers(get_live_namespaced_resources(args.k8s_apiserver_url)) live_strings = list(filter(lambda s: not re.match('|'.join(blacklist_regexs), s), raw_live_strings)) starget = set(get_compact_resource_identifiers(target_tuples)) slive = set(live_strings) print('Live dynamic configmaps that are not in target (stale):') counter = 0 for x in sorted(list(slive - starget)): if re.match('^.*:v1:ConfigMap:.*-[a-z0-9]{10}', x): counter += 1 print(' ' + x) print("..", counter, "entries") print() print('Live resources w/o dynamic configmaps that are not in target (stale):') counter = 0 for x in sorted(list(slive - starget)): if not re.match('^.*:v1:ConfigMap:.*-[a-z0-9]{10}', x): counter += 1 print(' ' + x) print("..", counter, "entries") sys.exit(len(list(slive - starget))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()