package ble import ( "miflorad/common" "" "" ) func FindServiceByUUID(services []*ble.Service, u ble.UUID) *ble.Service { for _, service := range services { if service.UUID.Equal(u) { return service } } return nil } func FindCharacteristicByUUID(characteristics []*ble.Characteristic, u ble.UUID) *ble.Characteristic { for _, characteristic := range characteristics { if characteristic.UUID.Equal(u) { return characteristic } } return nil } func RequestVersionBattery(client ble.Client, profile *ble.Profile) (common.VersionBatteryResponse, error) { mifloraService := FindServiceByUUID(profile.Services, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraServiceUUID)) if mifloraService == nil { return common.VersionBatteryResponse{}, errors.New("Failed to get the miflora service") } mifloraVersionBatteryChar := FindCharacteristicByUUID(mifloraService.Characteristics, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraCharVersionBatteryUUID)) if mifloraVersionBatteryChar == nil { return common.VersionBatteryResponse{}, errors.New("Failed to get the version battery characteristic") } bytes, err := client.ReadCharacteristic(mifloraVersionBatteryChar) if err != nil { return common.VersionBatteryResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "can't read version battery") } return common.ParseVersionBattery(bytes), nil } func RequestModeChange(client ble.Client, profile *ble.Profile) error { mifloraService := FindServiceByUUID(profile.Services, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraServiceUUID)) if mifloraService == nil { return errors.New("Failed to get the miflora service") } mifloraModeChangeChar := FindCharacteristicByUUID(mifloraService.Characteristics, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraCharModeChangeUUID)) if mifloraModeChangeChar == nil { return errors.New("Failed to discover the mode change characteristic") } err := client.WriteCharacteristic(mifloraModeChangeChar, common.MifloraGetModeChangeData(), false) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "can't change mode") } return nil } func RequestSensorData(client ble.Client, profile *ble.Profile) (common.SensorDataResponse, error) { mifloraService := FindServiceByUUID(profile.Services, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraServiceUUID)) if mifloraService == nil { return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.New("Failed to get the miflora service") } mifloraSensorDataChar := FindCharacteristicByUUID(mifloraService.Characteristics, ble.MustParse(common.MifloraCharReadSensorDataUUID)) if mifloraSensorDataChar == nil { return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.New("Failed to discover the sensor data characteristic") } bytes, err := client.ReadCharacteristic(mifloraSensorDataChar) if err != nil { return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "can't read sensor data") } return common.ParseSensorData(bytes), nil }