#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Source: https://github.com/cmur2/munin-bitcoin # # Example usage: # Do # ln -s /path/to/bitcoin_ bitcoin_ # where is a currency known to https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/ticker/ # like EUR or USD. # # Example config: # [bitcoin_*] # require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'open-uri' script = File.basename($0) @currency = script.gsub('bitcoin_', '') @cmd = ARGV[0] # open stderr $stderr = IO.new(2, "w") def uri(currency) "https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/indices/global/ticker/BTC#{currency}" end def echo_price(currency, &get_data) case @cmd when 'config' puts "graph_title Bitcoin (in #{currency})" puts "graph_args --lower-limit 0" puts "graph_vlabel #{currency}" puts "graph_category finance" puts "graph_scale no" puts "graph_info This graph shows the last price of Bitcoin from http://bitcoinaverage.com/" %w{last ask bid total_vol 24h_avg}.each do |x| puts "#{x}.label #{x.gsub('_', ' ').split(' ').map { |y| y.capitalize }.join(' ')}" puts "#{x}.type GAUGE" end else data = get_data.call %w{last ask bid total_vol 24h_avg}.each do |x| puts "#{x}.value #{data[x]}" end end end begin echo_price(@currency) do raw_data = open(uri(@currency)).read data = JSON.parse(raw_data) #puts data.inspect data end rescue => ex $stderr.puts "Cannot connect to bitcoinaverage.com: #{ex.to_s}" end