# BME680 ![ci](https://github.com/cmur2/python-bme680/workflows/ci/badge.svg?branch=master) https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/bme680 The state-of-the-art BME680 breakout lets you measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and indoor air quality. ## About this Fork In general this fork tries to improve some details of the [original pimoroni/bme680-python repo](https://github.com/pimoroni/bme680-python): - use standard unit for pressure measurement (Pascal instead Hectopascal, user can convert if he likes) - floating point precision for measurement compensations (user has all precision available to choose *based on measurement settings and datasheet* how much is trustable) - no redundant tweaking of measurement settings after soft reset ## Development If you want to contribute, or like living on the edge of your seat by having the latest code, you should clone this repository, `cd` to the library directory, and run: ```bash sudo python3 setup.py install ``` (or `sudo python setup.py install` whichever your primary Python environment may be) In all cases you will have to enable the i2c bus. ## Documentation & Support * Guides and tutorials - https://learn.pimoroni.com/bme680-breakout * Get help - http://forums.pimoroni.com/c/support