# BME680 General config POLL_PERIOD_MS = 10 # BME680 I2C addresses I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY = 0x76 I2C_ADDR_SECONDARY = 0x77 # BME680 unique chip identifier CHIP_ID = 0x61 # BME680 coefficients related defines COEFF_SIZE = 41 COEFF_ADDR1_LEN = 25 COEFF_ADDR2_LEN = 16 # BME680 field_x related defines FIELD_LENGTH = 15 FIELD_ADDR_OFFSET = 17 # Soft reset command SOFT_RESET_CMD = 0xb6 # Error code definitions OK = 0 # Errors E_NULL_PTR = -1 E_COM_FAIL = -2 E_DEV_NOT_FOUND = -3 E_INVALID_LENGTH = -4 # Warnings W_DEFINE_PWR_MODE = 1 W_NO_NEW_DATA = 2 # Info's I_MIN_CORRECTION = 1 I_MAX_CORRECTION = 2 # Register map # Other coefficient's address ADDR_RES_HEAT_VAL_ADDR = 0x00 ADDR_RES_HEAT_RANGE_ADDR = 0x02 ADDR_RANGE_SW_ERR_ADDR = 0x04 ADDR_SENS_CONF_START = 0x5A ADDR_GAS_CONF_START = 0x64 # Field settings FIELD0_ADDR = 0x1d # Heater settings RES_HEAT0_ADDR = 0x5a GAS_WAIT0_ADDR = 0x64 # Sensor configuration registers CONF_HEAT_CTRL_ADDR = 0x70 CONF_ODR_RUN_GAS_NBC_ADDR = 0x71 CONF_OS_H_ADDR = 0x72 MEM_PAGE_ADDR = 0xf3 CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR = 0x74 CONF_ODR_FILT_ADDR = 0x75 # Coefficient's address COEFF_ADDR1 = 0x89 COEFF_ADDR2 = 0xe1 # Chip identifier CHIP_ID_ADDR = 0xd0 # Soft reset register SOFT_RESET_ADDR = 0xe0 # Heater control settings ENABLE_HEATER = 0x00 DISABLE_HEATER = 0x08 # Gas measurement settings DISABLE_GAS_MEAS = 0x00 ENABLE_GAS_MEAS = 0x01 # Over-sampling settings OS_NONE = 0 OS_1X = 1 OS_2X = 2 OS_4X = 3 OS_8X = 4 OS_16X = 5 # IIR filter settings FILTER_SIZE_0 = 0 FILTER_SIZE_1 = 1 FILTER_SIZE_3 = 2 FILTER_SIZE_7 = 3 FILTER_SIZE_15 = 4 FILTER_SIZE_31 = 5 FILTER_SIZE_63 = 6 FILTER_SIZE_127 = 7 # Power mode settings SLEEP_MODE = 0 FORCED_MODE = 1 # Delay related macro declaration RESET_PERIOD = 10 # SPI memory page settings MEM_PAGE0 = 0x10 MEM_PAGE1 = 0x00 # Ambient humidity shift value for compensation HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL = 4 # Run gas enable and disable settings RUN_GAS_DISABLE = 0 RUN_GAS_ENABLE = 1 # Buffer length macro declaration TMP_BUFFER_LENGTH = 40 REG_BUFFER_LENGTH = 6 FIELD_DATA_LENGTH = 3 GAS_REG_BUF_LENGTH = 20 GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX = 10 # Settings selector OST_SEL = 1 OSP_SEL = 2 OSH_SEL = 4 GAS_MEAS_SEL = 8 FILTER_SEL = 16 HCNTRL_SEL = 32 RUN_GAS_SEL = 64 NBCONV_SEL = 128 GAS_SENSOR_SEL = GAS_MEAS_SEL | RUN_GAS_SEL | NBCONV_SEL # Number of conversion settings NBCONV_MIN = 0 NBCONV_MAX = 10 # Mask definitions GAS_MEAS_MSK = 0x30 NBCONV_MSK = 0X0F FILTER_MSK = 0X1C OST_MSK = 0XE0 OSP_MSK = 0X1C OSH_MSK = 0X07 HCTRL_MSK = 0x08 RUN_GAS_MSK = 0x10 MODE_MSK = 0x03 RHRANGE_MSK = 0x30 RSERROR_MSK = 0xf0 NEW_DATA_MSK = 0x80 GAS_INDEX_MSK = 0x0f GAS_RANGE_MSK = 0x0f GASM_VALID_MSK = 0x20 HEAT_STAB_MSK = 0x10 MEM_PAGE_MSK = 0x10 SPI_RD_MSK = 0x80 SPI_WR_MSK = 0x7f BIT_H1_DATA_MSK = 0x0F # Bit position definitions for sensor settings GAS_MEAS_POS = 4 FILTER_POS = 2 OST_POS = 5 OSP_POS = 2 RUN_GAS_POS = 4 # Array Index to Field data mapping for Calibration Data T2_LSB_REG = 1 T2_MSB_REG = 2 T3_REG = 3 P1_LSB_REG = 5 P1_MSB_REG = 6 P2_LSB_REG = 7 P2_MSB_REG = 8 P3_REG = 9 P4_LSB_REG = 11 P4_MSB_REG = 12 P5_LSB_REG = 13 P5_MSB_REG = 14 P7_REG = 15 P6_REG = 16 P8_LSB_REG = 19 P8_MSB_REG = 20 P9_LSB_REG = 21 P9_MSB_REG = 22 P10_REG = 23 H2_MSB_REG = 25 H2_LSB_REG = 26 H1_LSB_REG = 26 H1_MSB_REG = 27 H3_REG = 28 H4_REG = 29 H5_REG = 30 H6_REG = 31 H7_REG = 32 T1_LSB_REG = 33 T1_MSB_REG = 34 GH2_LSB_REG = 35 GH2_MSB_REG = 36 GH1_REG = 37 GH3_REG = 38 # BME680 register buffer index settings REG_FILTER_INDEX = 5 REG_TEMP_INDEX = 4 REG_PRES_INDEX = 4 REG_HUM_INDEX = 2 REG_NBCONV_INDEX = 1 REG_RUN_GAS_INDEX = 1 REG_HCTRL_INDEX = 0 # Look up tables for the possible gas range values lookupTable1 = [2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2126008810, 2147483647, 2130303777, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2143188679, 2136746228, 2147483647, 2126008810, 2147483647, 2147483647] lookupTable2 = [4096000000, 2048000000, 1024000000, 512000000, 255744255, 127110228, 64000000, 32258064, 16016016, 8000000, 4000000, 2000000, 1000000, 500000, 250000, 125000] def bytes_to_word(msb, lsb): return (msb << 8) | lsb # Sensor field data structure class FieldData: def __init__(self): # Contains new_data, gasm_valid & heat_stab self.status = None # The index of the heater profile used self.gas_index = None # Measurement index to track order self.meas_index = None # Temperature in degree celsius x100 self.temperature = None # Pressure in Pascal self.pressure = None # Humidity in % relative humidity x1000 self.humidity = None # Gas resistance in Ohms self.gas_resistance = None # Structure to hold the Calibration data class CalibrationData: def __init__(self): self.par_h1 = None self.par_h2 = None self.par_h3 = None self.par_h4 = None self.par_h5 = None self.par_h6 = None self.par_h7 = None self.par_gh1 = None self.par_gh2 = None self.par_gh3 = None self.par_t1 = None self.par_t2 = None self.par_t3 = None self.par_p1 = None self.par_p2 = None self.par_p3 = None self.par_p4 = None self.par_p5 = None self.par_p6 = None self.par_p7 = None self.par_p8 = None self.par_p9 = None self.par_p10 = None # Variable to store t_fine size self.t_fine = None # Variable to store heater resistance range self.res_heat_range = None # Variable to store heater resistance value self.res_heat_val = None # Variable to store error range self.range_sw_err = None def set_from_array(self, calibration): # Temperature related coefficients self.par_t1 = bytes_to_word(calibration[T1_MSB_REG], calibration[T1_LSB_REG]) self.par_t2 = bytes_to_word(calibration[T2_MSB_REG], calibration[T2_LSB_REG]) self.par_t3 = calibration[T3_REG] # Pressure related coefficients self.par_p1 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P1_MSB_REG], calibration[P1_LSB_REG]) self.par_p2 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P2_MSB_REG], calibration[P2_LSB_REG]) self.par_p3 = calibration[P3_REG] self.par_p4 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P4_MSB_REG], calibration[P4_LSB_REG]) self.par_p5 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P5_MSB_REG], calibration[P5_LSB_REG]) self.par_p6 = calibration[P6_REG] self.par_p7 = calibration[P7_REG] self.par_p8 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P8_MSB_REG], calibration[P8_LSB_REG]) self.par_p9 = bytes_to_word(calibration[P9_MSB_REG], calibration[P9_LSB_REG]) self.par_p10 = calibration[P10_REG] # Humidity related coefficients self.par_h1 = (calibration[H1_MSB_REG] << HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL) | (calibration[H1_LSB_REG] & BIT_H1_DATA_MSK) self.par_h2 = (calibration[H2_MSB_REG] << HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL) | (calibration[H2_LSB_REG] >> HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL) self.par_h3 = calibration[H3_REG] self.par_h4 = calibration[H4_REG] self.par_h5 = calibration[H5_REG] self.par_h6 = calibration[H6_REG] self.par_h7 = calibration[H7_REG] # Gas heater related coefficients self.par_gh1 = calibration[GH1_REG] self.par_gh2 = bytes_to_word(calibration[GH2_MSB_REG], calibration[GH2_LSB_REG]) self.par_gh3 = calibration[GH3_REG] def set_other(self, heat_range, heat_value, sw_error): self.res_heat_range = (heat_range & RHRANGE_MSK) / 16 self.res_heat_val = heat_value self.range_sw_err = (sw_error * RSERROR_MSK) / 16 # BME680 sensor settings structure which comprises of ODR, # over-sampling and filter settings. class TPHSettings: def __init__(self): # Humidity oversampling self.os_hum = None # Temperature oversampling self.os_temp = None # Pressure oversampling self.os_pres = None # Filter coefficient self.filter = None # BME680 gas sensor which comprises of gas settings ## and status parameters class GasSettings: def __init__(self): # Variable to store nb conversion self.nb_conv = None # Variable to store heater control self.heatr_ctrl = None # Run gas enable value self.run_gas = None # Pointer to store heater temperature self.heatr_temp = None # Pointer to store duration profile self.heatr_dur = None # BME680 device structure class BME680: def __init__(self): # Chip Id self.chip_id = None # Device Id self.dev_id = None # SPI/I2C interface self.intf = None # Memory page used self.mem_page = None # Ambient temperature in Degree C self.ambient_temperature = None # Sensor calibration data self.calibration_data = CalibrationData() # Sensor settings self.tph_settings = TPHSettings() # Gas Sensor settings self.gas_settings = GasSettings() # Sensor power modes self.power_mode = None # New sensor fields self.new_fields = None # Store the info messages self.info_msg = None # Burst read structure self.read = None # Burst write structure self.write = None # Delay in ms self.delay_ms = None # Communication function result self.com_rslt = None