import time import smbus # pylint: disable=import-error ADDR_L = 0x38 # 7bit address of the VEML6070 (write, read) ADDR_H = 0x39 # 7bit address of the VEML6070 (read) RSET_240K = 240000 RSET_270K = 270000 RSET_300K = 300000 RSET_600K = 600000 SHUTDOWN_DISABLE = 0x00 SHUTDOWN_ENABLE = 0x01 INTEGRATIONTIME_1_2T = 0x00 INTEGRATIONTIME_1T = 0x01 INTEGRATIONTIME_2T = 0x02 INTEGRATIONTIME_4T = 0x03 # Scale factor in seconds / Ohm to determine refresh time for any RSET # Note: 0.1 seconds (100 ms) are applicable for RSET_240K and INTEGRATIONTIME_1T RSET_TO_REFRESHTIME_SCALE = 0.1 / RSET_240K # The refresh time in seconds for which NORMALIZED_UVA_SENSITIVITY # is applicable to a step count NORMALIZED_REFRESHTIME = 0.1 # The UVA sensitivity in W/(m*m)/step which is applicable to a step count # normalized to the NORMALIZED_REFRESHTIME, for RSET_240K and INTEGRATIONTIME_1T NORMALIZED_UVA_SENSITIVITY = 0.05 class Veml6070(object): # pylint: disable=bad-option-value,useless-object-inheritance def __init__(self, i2c_bus=1, sensor_address=ADDR_L, rset=RSET_270K, integration_time=INTEGRATIONTIME_1T): self.bus = smbus.SMBus(i2c_bus) self.sendor_address = sensor_address self.rset = rset self.shutdown = SHUTDOWN_DISABLE # before set_integration_time() self.set_integration_time(integration_time) self.disable() def set_integration_time(self, integration_time): self.integration_time = integration_time self.bus.write_byte(self.sendor_address, self.get_command_byte()) # constant offset determined experimentally to allow sensor to readjust time.sleep(0.2) def get_integration_time(self): return self.integration_time def enable(self): self.shutdown = SHUTDOWN_DISABLE self.bus.write_byte(self.sendor_address, self.get_command_byte()) def disable(self): self.shutdown = SHUTDOWN_ENABLE self.bus.write_byte(self.sendor_address, self.get_command_byte()) def get_uva_light_intensity_raw(self): self.enable() # wait two times the refresh time to allow completion of a previous cycle with old settings (worst case) time.sleep(self.get_refresh_time()*2) msb = self.bus.read_byte(self.sendor_address+(ADDR_H-ADDR_L)) lsb = self.bus.read_byte(self.sendor_address) self.disable() return (msb << 8) | lsb def get_uva_light_intensity(self): """ returns the UVA light intensity in Watt per square meter (W/(m*m)) """ raw_data = self.get_uva_light_intensity_raw() # normalize raw data (step count sampled in get_refresh_time()) into the # linearly scaled normalized data (step count sampled in 0.1s) for which # we know the UVA sensitivity normalized_data = raw_data * NORMALIZED_REFRESHTIME / self.get_refresh_time() # now we can calculate the absolute UVA power detected combining # normalized data with known UVA sensitivity for this data return normalized_data * NORMALIZED_UVA_SENSITIVITY # in W/(m*m) def get_command_byte(self): """ assembles the command byte for the current state """ cmd = (self.shutdown & 0x01) << 0 # SD cmd = cmd | (self.integration_time & 0x03) << 2 # IT cmd = ((cmd | 0x02) & 0x3F) # reserved bits return cmd def get_refresh_time(self): """ returns time needed to perform a complete measurement using current settings (in s) """ case_refresh_it = { INTEGRATIONTIME_1_2T: 0.5, INTEGRATIONTIME_1T: 1, INTEGRATIONTIME_2T: 2, INTEGRATIONTIME_4T: 4 } return self.rset * RSET_TO_REFRESHTIME_SCALE * case_refresh_it[self.integration_time] @staticmethod def get_estimated_risk_level(intensity): """ returns estimated risk level from comparing UVA light intensity value in W/(m*m) as parameter, thresholds calculated from application notes """ if intensity < 24.888: return "low" if intensity < 49.800: return "moderate" if intensity < 66.400: return "high" if intensity < 91.288: return "very high" return "extreme"