mirror of https://github.com/cmur2/miflorad.git synced 2024-06-02 06:34:43 +02:00

360 lines
9.9 KiB

package main
import (
common "miflorad/common"
impl "miflorad/common/ble"
mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
const mqttConnectTimeout = 10 * time.Second
var (
scanTimeout = flag.Duration("scantimeout", 10*time.Second, "timeout after that a scan per peripheral will be aborted")
readRetries = flag.Int("readretries", 2, "number of times reading will be attempted per peripheral")
interval = flag.Duration("interval", 25*time.Second, "metrics collection interval")
brokerHost = flag.String("brokerhost", "localhost", "MQTT broker host to send metrics to")
brokerUser = flag.String("brokeruser", "", "MQTT broker user used for authentication")
brokerPassword = flag.String("brokerpassword", "", "MQTT broker password used for authentication")
brokerUseTLS = flag.Bool("brokerusetls", true, "whether TLS should be used for MQTT broker")
brokerTopicPrefix = flag.String("brokertopicprefix", "", "MQTT topic prefix for messages")
publishFormatFlag = flag.String("publishformat", "graphite", "MQTT message content format")
graphitePrefix = flag.String("graphiteprefix", "", "Graphite metrics name prefix")
type publishFormat int
const (
graphiteFormat publishFormat = iota
influxFormat publishFormat = iota
type peripheral struct {
id string
lastMetaDataFetch time.Time
metaData common.VersionBatteryResponse
var allPeripherals []*peripheral
type mifloraMetric interface {
getPeripheralId() string
type mifloraDataMetric struct {
peripheralId string
metaData common.VersionBatteryResponse
sensorData common.SensorDataResponse
connectTime float64
readoutTime float64
rssi int
func (m mifloraDataMetric) getPeripheralId() string {
return m.peripheralId
type mifloraErrorMetric struct {
peripheralId string
failed int
func (m mifloraErrorMetric) getPeripheralId() string {
return m.peripheralId
type mqttLogger struct {
level string
func (logger mqttLogger) Println(a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf("mqtt %s:", logger.level), a)
func (logger mqttLogger) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "mqtt %s: "+format, logger.level, a)
func checkTooShortInterval() error {
numPeripherals := int64(len(flag.Args()))
numReadRetries := int64(*readRetries)
if (*scanTimeout).Nanoseconds()*numReadRetries*numPeripherals >= (*interval).Nanoseconds() {
return errors.Errorf(
"The interval of %s is too short given the scan timeout of %s "+
"for %d peripheral(s) with %d retries each! Exiting...\n",
*interval, *scanTimeout, numPeripherals, *readRetries)
return nil
func getMQTTOptions() *mqtt.ClientOptions {
if *brokerUseTLS {
return mqtt.NewClientOptions().
AddBroker(fmt.Sprintf("ssl://%s:8883", *brokerHost)).
} else {
return mqtt.NewClientOptions().
AddBroker(fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:1883", *brokerHost)).
func readData(peripheral *peripheral, client ble.Client) (common.SensorDataResponse, error) {
// re-request meta data (for battery level) if last check more than 24 hours ago
// Source: https://github.com/open-homeautomation/miflora/blob/ffd95c3e616df8843cc8bff99c9b60765b124092/miflora/miflora_poller.py#L92
if time.Since(peripheral.lastMetaDataFetch) >= 1*time.Hour {
metaData, err := impl.RequestVersionBattery(client)
if err != nil {
return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "can't request version battery")
peripheral.metaData = metaData
peripheral.lastMetaDataFetch = time.Now()
if peripheral.metaData.RequiresModeChangeBeforeRead() {
err2 := impl.RequestModeChange(client)
if err2 != nil {
return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err2, "can't request mode change")
sensorData, err3 := impl.RequestSensorData(client)
if err3 != nil {
return common.SensorDataResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err3, "can't request sensor data")
return sensorData, nil
func connectPeripheral(peripheral *peripheral, send chan mifloraMetric) error {
// only way to get back the found advertisement, must be buffered!
foundAdvertisementChannel := make(chan ble.Advertisement, 1)
filter := func(adv ble.Advertisement) bool {
if strings.EqualFold(adv.Addr().String(), peripheral.id) {
foundAdvertisementChannel <- adv
return true
return false
timeConnectStart := time.Now()
ctx := ble.WithSigHandler(context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *scanTimeout))
client, err := ble.Connect(ctx, filter)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "can't connect to %s", peripheral.id)
timeConnectTook := time.Since(timeConnectStart).Seconds()
// Source: https://github.com/go-ble/ble/blob/master/examples/basic/explorer/main.go#L53
// Make sure we had the chance to print out the message.
done := make(chan struct{})
// Normally, the connection is disconnected by us after our exploration.
// However, it can be asynchronously disconnected by the remote peripheral.
// So we wait(detect) the disconnection in the go routine.
go func() {
timeReadoutStart := time.Now()
if _, err := client.DiscoverProfile(true); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "can't descover profile")
sensorData, err2 := readData(peripheral, client)
timeReadoutTook := time.Since(timeReadoutStart).Seconds()
err3 := client.CancelConnection()
if err2 != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err2, "can't read data")
if err3 != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err3, "can't disconnect after reading data")
send <- mifloraDataMetric{
peripheralId: common.MifloraGetAlphaNumericID(peripheral.id),
sensorData: sensorData,
metaData: peripheral.metaData,
connectTime: timeConnectTook,
readoutTime: timeReadoutTook,
rssi: (<-foundAdvertisementChannel).RSSI(),
return nil
func readPeripheral(quit chan struct{}, peripheral *peripheral, send chan mifloraMetric) error {
var err error
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Scanning for %s...", peripheral.id)
for retry := 0; retry < *readRetries; retry++ {
// check for quit signal (non-blocking) and terminate
select {
case <-quit:
break L
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %d", retry+1)
err = connectPeripheral(peripheral, send)
// stop retrying once we have a success, last err will be returned (or nil)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ".")
break L
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
return err
func readAllPeripherals(quit chan struct{}, send chan mifloraMetric) {
for _, peripheral := range allPeripherals {
err := readPeripheral(quit, peripheral, send)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to read peripheral %s, err: %s\n", peripheral.id, err)
// id := common.MifloraGetAlphaNumericID(peripheral.id)
// send <- fmt.Sprintf("%s.miflora.%s.failed 1 %d", *prefix, id, time.Now().Unix())
func main() {
if len(flag.Args()) < 1 {
"Usage: %s [options] peripheral-id [peripheral-ids...] \n", os.Args[0])
if err := checkTooShortInterval(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)
var format publishFormat
switch *publishFormatFlag {
case "graphite":
format = graphiteFormat
case "influx":
format = influxFormat
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unrecognized publish format %s! Exiting...\n",
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "miflorad version %s\n", getVersion())
mqtt.WARN = mqttLogger{level: "warning"}
mqtt.ERROR = mqttLogger{level: "error"}
mqtt.CRITICAL = mqttLogger{level: "critical"}
mqttClient := mqtt.NewClient(getMQTTOptions())
if token := mqttClient.Connect(); token.WaitTimeout(mqttConnectTimeout) && token.Error() != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to connect MQTT, err: %s\n", token.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Connected to MQTT broker %s\n", *brokerHost)
device, err := dev.NewDevice("default")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to open device, err: %s\n", err)
intervalTicker := time.NewTicker(*interval)
quit := make(chan struct{})
send := make(chan mifloraMetric, 1)
publish := make(chan string, 10)
go func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Starting loop with %s interval...\n", *interval)
// populate all peripherals data structure
allPeripherals = make([]*peripheral, len(flag.Args()))
for i, peripheralID := range flag.Args() {
allPeripherals[i] = &peripheral{
id: peripheralID,
lastMetaDataFetch: time.Unix(0, 0), // force immediate 1st request
// main loop
readAllPeripherals(quit, send)
for range intervalTicker.C {
readAllPeripherals(quit, send)
go func() {
switch format {
case graphiteFormat:
for metric := range send {
publishGraphite(metric, publish, *graphitePrefix)
case influxFormat:
for metric := range send {
publishInflux(metric, publish)
go func() {
for line := range publish {
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, line)
token := mqttClient.Publish(*brokerTopicPrefix, 1, false, line)
if token.WaitTimeout(1*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to publish MQTT, err: %s\n", token.Error())
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal := <-signals
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Received %s! Stopping...\n", signal)
// wait for last connectPeripheral to finish (worst case)
if err := device.Stop(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to close device, err: %s\n", err)