2020-08-08 21:26:49 +02:00
[ build-system ]
requires = [ "poetry>=1.0" ]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
[ tool . poetry ]
name = "kube-stale-resources"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "Utility augmenting 'kubectl diff' to detect stale resources in Kubernetes clusters between local YAML manifests (target state) and the cluster (live state)."
authors = [ "Christian Nicolai" ]
license = "Apache-2.0"
homepage = "https://dev.mycrobase.de/gitea/cn/kube-stale-resources"
[ tool . poetry . dependencies ]
python = "^3.8"
2021-01-21 16:07:12 +01:00
pyyaml = "5.4.1"
2020-11-12 14:11:12 +01:00
requests = "~2.25"
2020-08-08 21:26:49 +02:00
[ tool . poetry . dev-dependencies ]
2021-02-25 17:52:53 +01:00
mypy = "0.812"
2021-04-29 15:07:14 +02:00
pylint = "~2.8"
2021-04-22 14:35:40 +02:00
rope = "~0.19"
2021-03-18 14:11:51 +01:00
yapf = "~0.31"
2021-03-18 18:28:32 +01:00
[ tool . yapf ]
based_on_style = "pep8"
column_limit = 120