mirror of https://github.com/cmur2/joe-syntax.git synced 2025-02-08 20:01:46 +01:00

163 lines
2.6 KiB

# JOE syntax highlight file for YAML
# by Christian Nicolai (http://mycrobase.de)
=Comment green
=Constant cyan
=Escape bold cyan
=Type bold
=Keyword bold
=Bad bold red
=Brace magenta
=Directive red
=Reference yellow
=LocalType fg_310 # brown
=BlockDelim bold blue
=BadTab inverse red
:line_start Idle
* maybe_key noeat
"\t" bad_tab recolor=-1
"#" line_comment recolor=-1
" " line_start
:idle Constant
* plain_scalar noeat
"\n" line_start
"%" directive recolor=-1
" " maybe_idle_comment
"'" string_sq_1 recolor=-1
"\"" string_dq_1 recolor=-1
"{[]}" brace recolor=-1
"." maybe_block_end1
"*&" maybe_reference
"!" maybe_typecast
:plain_scalar Constant
* plain_scalar
"\t" bad_tab recolor=-1
"\n" line_start noeat
" " maybe_plain_scalar_comment
:maybe_key Idle
* maybe_key1 recolor=-1 mark
"\n" line_start
"%#'\"{[]}*&!" idle noeat
"-" maybe_block1 mark
:maybe_key1 Constant
* idle noeat
":" key
" a-zA-Z0-9_-" maybe_key1
"#" maybe_idle_comment noeat
# necessary to include the :
:key Idle
* key_end noeat recolormark
:key_end Idle
* idle noeat
# mark bad tabs until the first non-whitespace
:bad_tab BadTab
* line_start noeat
:maybe_plain_scalar_comment Comment
* plain_scalar noeat
"#" line_comment
:maybe_idle_comment Comment
* idle noeat
"#" line_comment
:line_comment Comment
* line_comment
"\n" line_start
:brace Brace
* idle noeat
:directive Directive
* directive
"\n" line_start
:string_sq_1 Constant
* string_sq noeat
:string_sq Constant
* string_sq
"\'" idle
"\\" string_sq_esc recolor=-1
:string_sq_esc Escape
* string_sq
"\n" string_sq recolor=-2
:string_dq_1 Constant
* string_dq noeat
:string_dq Constant
* string_dq
"\"" idle
"\\" string_dq_esc recolor=-1
:string_dq_esc Escape
* string_dq
"\n" string_dq recolor=-2
:maybe_block1 Constant
* maybe_key1 noeat
"-" maybe_block2
:maybe_block2 Constant
* maybe_key1 noeat
"-" block recolor=-3
:block BlockDelim
* idle noeat
:maybe_block_end1 Constant
* idle noeat
"." maybe_block_end2
:maybe_block_end2 Constant
* idle noeat
"." block_end recolor=-3
:block_end BlockDelim
* idle noeat
:maybe_reference Constant
* idle
"a-zA-Z_" reference recolor=-2
:reference Reference
* idle noeat
"a-zA-Z0-9_" reference
:maybe_typecast Constant
* idle noeat
"a-zA-Z_" local_type recolor=-1
"!" builtin_type
:builtin_type Idle
* idle noeat
"a-zA-Z" builtin_type2 buffer
:builtin_type2 Idle
* idle noeat strings
"str" type
"float" type
"binary" type
"a-zA-Z_" builtin_type2
:type Type
* idle noeat
:local_type LocalType
* idle noeat
"a-zA-Z_" local_type