mirror of https://github.com/cmur2/joe-syntax.git synced 2025-02-18 21:10:19 +01:00

Added revamped Javascript highlighter

This version is only for standalone .js files, not for <script> tag in HTML.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Nicolai 2011-08-05 23:45:04 +02:00
parent fa61d19d1c
commit a2c886e3fa
2 changed files with 254 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
-syntax java
-syntax js

js.jsf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# JOE syntax highlight file for JavaScript
# the real one - not a pimped Java file...
# just getting this idea seams crazy...
=Comment green
=CommentLabel bold green
=Constant cyan
=Escape bold cyan
=Type bold
=Keyword bold
=Operator bold
=Bad bold red
=Brace magenta
=Number fg_520
:idle Idle
* idle
"\n" idle
"/" slash
"0" first_digit recolor=-1
"1-9" decimal recolor=-1
"." maybe_float
"\"" string recolor=-1
"'" char recolor=-1
"a-zA-Z_" ident mark buffer
"{}" brace recolor=-1
",:;=()><[]*&|!~+\-%^" control recolor=-1
:brace Brace
* idle noeat
:control Control
* idle noeat
:slash Idle
* idle noeat
"*" comment recolor=-2
"/" line_comment recolor=-2
:comment Comment
* comment
# might be TODO label
"BFHNTX" comment noeat call=.comment_todo()
"*" maybe_end_comment
:maybe_end_comment Comment
* comment noeat
"/" idle
"*" maybe_end_comment
:line_comment Comment
* line_comment
# might be TODO label
"BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=.comment_todo()
"\n" idle
:first_digit Constant
* idle noeat
"xX" hex
"." float
"eE" epart
"0-7" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
:bad_number Bad
* idle noeat
"0-9" bad_number
:octal Constant
* idle noeat
"0-7" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
:hex Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f" hex
:decimal Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" decimal
"eE" epart
"." float
:maybe_float Constant
* idle recolor=-2 noeat
"0-9" float recolor=-2
:float Constant
* idle noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9" float
:epart Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" enum
:string Constant
* string
"\"" idle
"\\" string_escape recolor=-1
"%" string_control recolor=-1
:string_escape Escape
* string
"x" string_hex1
"0-7" string_octal2
"\n" string recolor=-2
:string_hex1 Escape
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex2
:string_hex2 Escape
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string
:string_octal2 Escape
* string noeat
"0-7" string_octal3
:string_octal3 Escape
* string noeat
"0-7" string
:string_control Escape
* string_control
"\n" reset
"diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%SC" string
:char Constant
* char
"\n" reset
"'" idle
"\\" char_escape recolor=-1
:char_escape Escape
* char
"x" char_hex1
"0-7" char_octal2
"\n" char recolor=-2
:char_hex1 Escape
* char noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex2
:char_hex2 Escape
* char noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char
:char_octal2 Escape
* char noeat
"0-7" char_octal3
:char_octal3 Escape
* char noeat
"0-7" char
:ident Idle
* ident_end noeat markend strings
"arguments" kw
"Array" type
"break" kw
"Boolean" type
"case" kw
"catch" kw
"continue" kw
"default" kw
"delete" operator
"do" kw
"Date" type
"else" kw
"false" lit
"finally" kw
"for" kw
"function" kw
"Function" type
"if" kw
"in" kw
"instanceof" operator
"let" kw
"new" operator
"null" lit
"Number" type
"Object" type
"return" kw
"RegExp" type
"switch" kw
"String" type
"this" kw
"throw" kw
"true" lit
"try" kw
"typeof" operator
"undefined" lit
"var" kw
"void" kw
"while" kw
"with" kw
"a-zA-Z0-9_" ident
:type Type
* idle noeat
:kw Keyword
* idle noeat
:lit Constant
* idle noeat
:operator Operator
* idle noeat
:ident_end Idle
* idle noeat
" " ident_end
"(" method_end recolormark
:method_end Methods
* idle noeat
.subr comment_todo
# initial state
:comment_todo_init Comment
* comment_todo_guess buffer
# highlight common TODO labels
:comment_todo_guess Comment
* comment_todo_unknown noeat strings
"BUG" comment_todo
"FIXME" comment_todo
"HACK" comment_todo
"NOTE" comment_todo
"TODO" comment_todo
"XXX" comment_todo
"A-Z" comment_todo_guess
:comment_todo_unknown Comment
* NULL noeat return
:comment_todo CommentLabel
* NULL noeat return