mirror of https://github.com/cmur2/joe-syntax.git synced 2025-02-08 20:01:46 +01:00

JOE Syntax Highlighting

This repository mainly contains improved and completely new JOE syntax files fixing bugs in the original files and adding support for new languages.



To enable the .jsf files in this repository they need to appear in JOEs syntax directory, either locally (~/.joe/syntax) or globally. The global syntax directory is is likely to be /usr/share/joe/syntax when using Debian and APT or /usr/local/Cellar/joe/3.7/share/joe/syntax when using brew on Mac OS X. You may either download the contents of this repository as a zip file or clone this repository somewhere onto your hard disk and establish symlinks to all jsf files in the syntax directory, or to install this repository to ~/.joe/syntax and symlink ftyperc appropriately (see below).

ftyperc (only needed to enable new languages)

To enable the enhanced ftyperc from this repository to gain syntax highlighting support for new languages without overwriting /etc/joe/ftyperc, you may place the modified one in ~/.joe/ as ~/.joe/ftyperc.

How JOE syntax highlighting works

See HowItWorks.md which is a reworked version of the header of c.jsf. Another good resource might be jsf.jsf.

Other Syntax Files


Every .jsf file from the original repository is under GPL as JOE. There are efforts to move JOE to GPL v2 or any later version.

Every .jsf file created and modified exclusively by me (Christian Nicolai) is under GPL v2 or any later version.

Files with contributions (or unclear license info):

For JOE see here.
For JOE project see here.
For original JOE syntax files see here.
For ne (the nice editor that uses JOE syntax files, too) see here.

You can find this repository here.

JOE (Joe's Own Editor) syntax coloring and highlighting files - improved ones
Readme 910 KiB